A portrait photographer has a busy season. It is NOW.
Tomorrow and the next few weeks I will barely shower, eat, come up for air let alone post on my blog, facebook etc...
I thought I'd get a jump on the thanksgiving post this morning. Lately I have been, longing for, missing my family...my biological herd in upstate NY that is.
Both sisters celebrated birthdays this week, and my mother's 88th birthday would be next week. My daughter is in Arizona and wont be making the trip back East for Thanksgiving. I wont be able to travel North because Im documenting family gatherings during the Thanksgiving holiday.
So you could say this baby of the family has been pouting a little...just a little. So I indulged my pity party by looking at a folder of family photos. Much to my suprise, or not suprised, that I have been saving most of my portrait client "family" photos in my personal family photo folder. As I went through them I was reminiscing each and every shoot. How siblings interact and husbands and wives flirt with one another, how each family is so different yet the same.
As most pity parties do have to end, mine did while realizing I have surrounded myself with THE. MOST. AMAZING. families. I get to gather with them as they share inside jokes, eye rolls, hugs! and pleanty of love. How blessed am I? To the moon and beyond Miia. So truly blessed.
Remember to kiss your photographer this holiday season! He or she is probably missing their own family. And if your built in photographer is shooting away. Please take the camera and put him/her in at least one shot!!
xoxoxo Kelly