Yesterday was a simple yet complicated day. Simple because I went down my to do list and checked everything off.
1. Woke up shot some tennis for USTA
2. Ate
3. Finished up on some images
4. Worked out
5. Showered and
6. Went to my friend Anne's to check off one of the 2016 Academy Award nomined movies we have going. Steve Jobs A simple movie about a complicated man.
So I then turned my simple day into complicated ideas in my head. After seeing the movie, my thoughts were flooded with so many confirmations in my own mind that I sat on my bed going through my own life until 1 am. Like the format of the movie, I reflected on memories before each big event in my life. I connected dots, like Steve Jobs was quoted on doing. Going forward, looking back... all the pros and cons of doing that. Am I an Orchestrator or a part of an Ochestration? Then I hung on what Steve Jobs quoted from what I believe he quoted from the Whitey Morgan song, Memories Cost A Lot (when you dont make them).
OK one more tangent from my mind yesterday. Hang on with me, I'll bring it home. Im gearing up to shoot this event I have been shooting for the last 6 years. I do not shoot events usually (I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to my image making) and Events are chaos... my creativity does not lend itself to chaotic fast moving events. BUT My heart & my soul are connected to these people and this one community and connected to the opportunity. It's a Mother / Son sweetheart Dance on Friday and the Daddy / Daughter sweet heart dance on Saturday. I don't charge enough for my time, I don't push the images on the parents. I dont do it for the money. I do it because I am on this earth to hold a space for anyone who wants me to, to have my camera and take your picture. To record your memory for you. Of course I need to put my creative spin on things... thats another story.
Back to the quote. "Memories cost a lot when you dont make them". Some take a lot of effort and money, some not so much. Oh but the cost of not making the effort to make them... So if you DO make the effort to make memories, pay your photographer to capture them so you dont have to.
Last Word.
I lost my mother at a young age. I was 28 yrs old. I lost my father twice. Once from their divorce and just this past October to a rough battle from cancer. I have only 2... TWO photos of my mother and myself and ZERO of my father and me. Up until a point it is up to the parents to get photos TOGETHER WITH their child. Then when you grow up it is up to the child to get a photo with their parents. Seriously one second of your time that's all it costs, and of course pay me $30 for Five of those moments that you will cherish your whole life and beyond. : ) Just press the prepay button. To make things...Less Complicated.
xoxox Have a great weekend and hug each other a lot! And remember to Kiss your photographer and those who volunteer to help you make memories with your loved ones. I am so grateful to be a part of your lives.